Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro e Clínica da Família Rinaldo Delamare, Rocinha

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Solange Cavalcante, MD PhD

Rocinha is a low-income community of 70,000 inhabitants located in southern Rio de Janeiro, where TB incidence rates have reached levels four times higher than those recorded in the municipality. Since 2010, the primary health care model, the Family Health Program was implemented in Rocinha. Currently there are 3 primary health care clinics in Rocinha with 25 Family Health Program teams working in these three units, accounting for 25 general practitioners, 25 nurses, 25 nursing technicians, 150 community health workers as well as managers and administrative assistants. Rocinha population is 100% covered by the primary health care program and have access to TB care in their own community. The TB research site is able to receive patients from the 3 clinics to participate in the study.

The Rio de Janeiro Municipal Health Secretariat site for tuberculosis research in RePORT-Brazil is located in a building that hosts a Primary Health Care clinic for the community of Rocinha named Clínica da Família Rinaldo Delamare. 

  • First participant recruited in September 2015, follow-up of last participant completed in June of 2021. 
  • Population: DS-TB and TB close-contacts
  • Enrolled 347 participants in Phase 1 (152 TB cases and 195 close contacts)
  • Micro Lab: INI, Fiocruz / Immuno Lab: IOC, Fiocruz

Site team:
Site Investigators: Solange Cavalcante and Betina Durovni
Study Coordinator: Jamile Garcia
Study Nurse: Martinelle Godinho
Study Physician: João Marine
*Rocinha site is not participating in Phase 2 of RePORT-Brazil (2022-2027).